Hearing Of Urgent Matters In Supreme Court Via Video Conferencing - [LIVE-UPDATES]

Update: 2020-04-13 06:01 GMT
Live Updates - Page 4
2020-04-13 07:28 GMT

AG: "If we release prisoners and detainees without testing they could infect people"

CJI: "We are not saying they should be allowed to travel to the villages and infect the villagers!" 

2020-04-13 07:23 GMT

AG KK Venugopal - "Goa has sent prisoners to shelter homes. They are in the incubation period. If we release them purpose of lockdown defeated. If they are infected with #covid19, released and allowed to travel, they may spread the disease further!"

2020-04-13 07:23 GMT

CJI now inquires about Solicitor General Tushar Mehta's whereabouts who is currently not on the Video Conference screen hearing.

"Where is Solicitor General? Somebody make a phone call to him"

2020-04-13 07:22 GMT

CJI: There is one instance, which has come to light wherein a released prisoner faced social boycotting out of fear in his locality on returning.

2020-04-13 07:22 GMT

CJI: We are Not saying you must compulsorily release the prisoners. However, States must understand gravity of the situation.

Senior Advocate Salman Khurshid now apprising the bench, says the provision for release of prisoners should now be extended to Detention Centres.

2020-04-13 07:22 GMT

Dave: "Prisoners are not to be released permanently. Order must be followed in letter and spirit. State govt is doing its duty very well, but the idea is containment of #COVID2019"

CJI: We are not saying the order wouldn't be implemented No intention to dilute the order(s).

2020-04-13 07:21 GMT

Senior Advocate Dushyant Dave, who has been appointed as the Amicus in the present matter now on screen.

"At Satna Jail, Madhya Pradesh, there are some inmates who might be infected with #coronavirus"

2020-04-13 07:19 GMT

CJI calls the release of prisoners in light of the #pandemic to prevent overcrowding a "Double Edged Sword".

"If virus spreads in any prison or detention centre, it will become a hotspot"

CJI adds, "Let the High power committees decide. Leaving it to state discretion"

2020-04-13 07:19 GMT

CJI: "Mr. Attorney, also please respond to Mr. Khurshid's prayer to extend our order to detention centres.

To this, AG KK Venugopal responds: "The purpose of the lockdown will be defeated, if prisoners will be released at this time"

2020-04-13 07:04 GMT

Due to technical glitches, AG KK Venugopal has now been disconnected from the Videoconference hearing.

CJI, annoyed at the system, asks the official to fix it.


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