Hearing Of Urgent Matters In Supreme Court Via Video Conferencing - [LIVE-UPDATES]

Update: 2020-04-13 06:01 GMT
Live Updates - Page 3
2020-04-13 09:06 GMT

SC tells people to "Stay Where They Are".

"People in other countries cannot be brought back right now" - CJI SA Bobde

2020-04-13 09:05 GMT

Now, Advocate Madhurima Mridul is addressing the bench. Says students stuck in the United Kingdom.

Justice LN Rao: "Have you seen affidavit of UOI? You are secure there. Why do you want to come back?"

2020-04-13 09:04 GMT

Solicitor General interjects: "All over the world people are getting visa extension! Affidavit reiterates that right now it is not possible to accept her plea!"

CJI: You file a reply specific to US. Your reply doesn't mention US. We'll have it next week!

2020-04-13 09:04 GMT

Makhija : "He is allowed to board from USA but he is not being allowed to come to India"

CJI: "But if we accept your plea, this will be weakening travel ban exercised by Indian Government"

2020-04-13 09:04 GMT

Senior Advocate Vibha Dutt Makhija is currently submitting that a person who is stranded in the United States is not able to come back.

CJI: Have you mentioned in the petition that he is not allowed by US government to go to airport?

2020-04-13 09:03 GMT

The Court is taking up matters seeking evacuation of stranded Indian citizens one by one. These are marked as Items 1-7 on today's cause list.

The petition filed by senior advocate Vibha Dutt Makhija seeking evacuation of citizens stuck in USA now being taken up.

2020-04-13 09:03 GMT

CJI asks Senior Advocate Gopal Shankarnarayan to hand over a copy of the said petition to the Solicitor General. Matter to be heard further on next Monday.

2020-04-13 09:02 GMT

CJI SA Bobde inquires into the whereabouts of Solicitor General Tushar Mehta.

SG's voice can now be heard on the VC system, sans the video.

"There are actually around 6,000 fishermen stranded. I want to file a response. Don't have copy of the petition"

2020-04-13 09:01 GMT

Advocate appearing in a petition filed by wife of a fisherman who is seeking directions from Court for bringing back her husband & over 800 other fisherman stranded in Iran.

"They're taking the stand that they won't bring people back without testing", Advocate.

2020-04-13 08:59 GMT

CJI led bench is taking up matters pertaining to evacuation of Indian citizens stranded abroad amid the #Covid_19 pandemic.

7 petitions seeking directions from Court their immediate evacuation from UK, US, Iran & Gulf countries are being taken up simultaneously.


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