Gyanvapi Case-Supreme Court Hearing- Live Updates

Update: 2022-07-21 08:37 GMT
Live Updates - Page 3
2022-07-21 08:43 GMT

Ahmadi : It has effectively changed the character of a place of worship.

2022-07-21 08:43 GMT

Ahmadi : Kindly see what the commission report has led to? The High Court says it is innocous. But now the entire area has been sealed. A status quo existing for several years has been altered.

2022-07-21 08:42 GMT

Ahmadi : Kindly see what the commission report has led to? The High Court says it is innocous. But now the entire area has been sealed. A status quo existing for several years has been altered.

2022-07-21 08:42 GMT

Ahmadi : Rule 10 presupposes correctness of order Rule 9. If I can make out a case that the order appointing commission is illegal, then the report has to be struck off. In my case, there is no situation for ordering commission report.

2022-07-21 08:40 GMT

Ahmadi refers to Order 26 Rule 9 & 10 CPC.

2022-07-21 08:40 GMT

Ahmadi : It is like a fruit from a poisonous tree. The order for commission survey is ex-facie without jurisdiction.

J Chandrachud : But Mr.Ahmadi, these issues can be decided under Order 7 Rule 11.

Ahmadi : Court can't be presented with a fait accompli.

2022-07-21 08:38 GMT

Justice Chandrachud : So why should we keep the petitions pending here. We can leave open all the issues to be decided by the trial court.

Huzefa Ahmadi for Masjid Committee : Our submission is the commission survey could not have been ordered per se.

2022-07-21 08:38 GMT

Justice Chandrachud : Now everything will depend on what the Judge will decide on Order 7 Rule 11. If he upholds the objection, the suit goes. As regards the commission report, every party is entitled to file objections.

2022-07-21 08:38 GMT

Bench assembles.

Justice Chandrachud : After our last order, the Order 7 Rule 11 application's hearing is going on, right?

Counsels reply in the affirmative.


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