EWS Quota Case-Supreme Court Hearing-Day 7 - Live Updates

Update: 2022-09-27 04:55 GMT
Live Updates - Page 5
2022-09-27 09:19 GMT

Gopal: "Class and communities that depend upon manual labour and agriculture, the women, the children of which engaged in manual labour and agriculture, castes that are identified by traditional occupations which are considered unclean..."

2022-09-27 09:19 GMT

Gopal: they said that reservation of SEBCs is casteist reservation. I will read the criteria of including a class in SEBCs.

2022-09-27 09:19 GMT

Dr. Mohan Gopal: I will quickly make three points and focus on methodology of determining whether there has been a violation of basic structure which I derive from Justice Kapadia in Nagaraj judgement.

2022-09-27 07:38 GMT

Bench rises. The rejoinder of Dr. Mohan Gopal will be heard post lunch.

2022-09-27 07:38 GMT

Kaleeswaram: The question is in the context of exclusion, whether there is discrimination.

Kaleeswaram concludes.

2022-09-27 07:36 GMT

Kaleeswaram: If individual is the focal point, what is focal point is also basic structure. So individual violation of FR can also be basic structure.

2022-09-27 07:36 GMT

Adv Kaleeswaram: The fundamental rights are always individualistic. Therefore, to say that SC/ST/OBCs are already given some rights can't be accepted.

[Quotes Puttaswamy judgement]

2022-09-27 07:34 GMT

CJI: Dr. Mohan Gopal, we will give you half an hour after lunch. 

2022-09-27 07:34 GMT

Dr. Mohan Gopal: Gopal Sankaranayanan has taken half an hour of our time. But your time is far precious than ours.

Bench discusses.

2022-09-27 07:34 GMT

Chauhan: The deprivation is not on basis of economic conditions.

Chauhan concludes.


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