Electoral Bonds Case : Live Updates From Supreme Court Hearing On Whether SBI Should Disclose Bond Numbers

Update: 2024-03-18 03:23 GMT
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Live Updates - Page 2
2024-03-18 05:43 GMT

Bhushan : For that period 2018-2019.

Justice Khanna : We have taken a view.

CJI : Mr.Bhushan, it will become a substantive modification of the judgment. It can't be done in a Miscellaneous Application. We have to draw a line.

2024-03-18 05:42 GMT

CJI : If we have to go back to earlier date, it will become review of the judgment.

Bhushan : Some political parties have disclosed, some haven't. One party which is in power in a state has said someone left the bonds at the door.

2024-03-18 05:42 GMT

CJI : In our judgment, we have taken a conscious decision that the cut-off date should be date of interim order (April 12, 2019). We took that date because it was our considered view that once that interim order was pronounced, everybody was put on notice. 

2024-03-18 05:40 GMT

Bhushan : Major political parties have not disclosed the donors. All that I request is the disclosure of the date should start from the beginning..

CJI : We got your point, you have filed an application.

2024-03-18 05:40 GMT

Bhushan : Only some smaller parties have disclosed the donors..

SG : Mr.Bhushan is not addressing your lordships, he is addressing outside. So that it can come in media.

2024-03-18 05:39 GMT

Prashant Bhushan : ECI has disclosed the sealed covers. Some of the smaller parties have disclosed the donors.

CJI : We need not go into that at all. Recently in an interview, I was asked about the criticism of a judgment. I need not tell which judgment. Once the judgment is declared, it is a property of the nation.

2024-03-18 05:38 GMT

Nedumpara : It was not a justiciable issue at all. It was a policy.

2024-03-18 05:38 GMT

SG : Only one line...

CJI : We respect the approach you have taken...Thank you for disassociating with the mentioning..

2024-03-18 05:37 GMT

CJI : Mr. Rohatgi, there is only one answer. With effect from April 12, 2019, we directed the collection of details. So you were put on notice.

2024-03-18 05:35 GMT

Rohatgi mentions his application for industrialists.

CJI says Bench will not hear him when his application is not on record.


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