Electoral Bonds Case : Live Updates From Supreme Court Hearing On Whether SBI Should Disclose Bond Numbers

Update: 2024-03-18 03:23 GMT
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Live Updates - Page 3
2024-03-18 05:35 GMT

SG : Statistics can be twisted in any manner. Based upon twisted statistics, any kind of posts are made. Would your lordships consider issuing a direction..saying Rohatgi gave this money, it will have its own conclusions..

CJI : As an institution, our shoulders are broad enough to deal with social media commentary.. Our intent was disclosure..We are governed by a rule of law...

SG : The judgment is playing out in a different way....

2024-03-18 05:34 GMT

SG : The way in which this Court's judgment is playing out is something which the Court must be informed of. .. Now the witch-hunting has started at some other level, not at govt level. Those before the Court starting giving press interviews deliberately embarrassing the Court. A series of social media posts, at least intended to cause embarrassment, started.

2024-03-18 05:31 GMT

Solicitor General : On behalf of Union Government, I completely disassociate with what Mr.Aggarwala has written. It is completely unwarranted.

2024-03-18 05:31 GMT

Salve : We will give the bond numbers. Voter knowing is one thing. But if there are PILs saying investigate this and that, I don't think that is the intent of this Court's judgment.

2024-03-18 05:30 GMT

Salve : Your lordships may clarify, we will give every bit of information we have. SBI is not holding back any information we have.

2024-03-18 05:29 GMT

Salve :We will do it. It is just that the media is always behind us, with the petitioners saying they will take the SBI to task, haul them up in contempt..

2024-03-18 05:29 GMT

#BREAKING CJI : We will say SBI shall disclose the bond numbers and also that you should file an affidavit stating that you have not suppressed any information.

2024-03-18 05:28 GMT

CJI : Assuming you construed our judgment with the interim order, the interim order has merged with the final order, which said "all details".

2024-03-18 05:28 GMT

CJI : How does the redeeming branch match the number to ascertain if it is not a forged bond?

Salve : It is like a currency note...

CJI : What is the information you see when you scan the alphanumeric.

Salve : The correlation is not there. 

2024-03-18 05:27 GMT

Salve : In two files. The bond number is only on the bond. It is visible only under UV light.

CJI : Is it only a security feature or for audit trail?

Salve : Security feature. Audit trail is seperate.


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