COVID19: Oxygen Supply To Delhi: Supreme Court Hearing- Live-Updates

Update: 2021-05-06 06:23 GMT
Live Updates - Page 2
2021-05-06 09:39 GMT

Gupta : 700 MT should hold till a new formula is arrived at or at least till the next date. Delhi has oxygen shortage and its a fact.

#SupremeCourt #OxygenShortage #Delhi

2021-05-06 09:35 GMT

No one is applying their mind to what it should be on the 5th of May, 15th of May, and on the 30th of May : Gupta.

#SupremeCourt #OxygenShortage #Delhi

2021-05-06 09:34 GMT

If you do not project, you will always be gasping in darkness : Gupta.

#SupremeCourt #OxygenShortage

2021-05-06 09:34 GMT

Jaideep Gupta says that the problem with the present affidavit is that it only talks about the present condition and not about the projections. 

#SupremeCourt #OxygenShortage

2021-05-06 09:33 GMT

Senior Adv Jaideep Gupta, amicus curiae in the suo moto case, now addressing the bench.

2021-05-06 09:29 GMT

Solicitor General : We have to see that there is equitable distribution of resources. We cannot start nitpicking and score debating points. I just don't want to see more people suffering.

#SupremeCourt #Oxygen

2021-05-06 09:29 GMT

Solicitor General : Coming to audit, I am not blaming Delhi. I have been repeatedly saying it's a systematic failure. It does not mean an allegation against the state or political party

2021-05-06 09:24 GMT

Solicitor General : Unfortunately, despite saying that I am not making it an adversarial litigation, my friend has made this issue Centre v. State and State v. State. I have answer on every issue but it would be very petty of me to respond on his arguments

2021-05-06 09:21 GMT

Mehra : We are taking help of IIT, DRDO, we have written to the Raksha Mantri, everything a State can do we have been doing it.

#SupremeCourt #Oxygen

2021-05-06 09:21 GMT

Mehra says GNCTD wants to place on record a detailed affidavit.

Says Delhi has developed a system by which home-isolated patients can avail oxygen cylinder by uploading their details.

#SupremeCourt #Oxygen


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