COVID19: Oxygen Supply To Delhi: Supreme Court Hearing- Live-Updates

Update: 2021-05-06 06:23 GMT
Live Updates - Page 3
2021-05-06 09:13 GMT

Mehra : Health is a state-subject. State political executive is answerable to people.

#SupremeCourt #Oxygen

2021-05-06 09:12 GMT

Mehra : My lords have rightly emphasized that this(bed-oxygen formula) needs relook. Let them relook and come up with a formula with a meaningful solution. 

#SupremeCourt #Oxygen #Delhi

2021-05-06 09:11 GMT

Mehra : This cannot be a paper allocation. It is no use to tell to an ICU patient that only 24 litre oxygen can be given and not 36 as needed.

#SupremeCourt #Oxygen

2021-05-06 09:07 GMT

Mehra : Delhi demanded 700 and 480 was given.

Mehra : An audit is required on all these arbitrary allocations... lives were lost. 

Why has centre not taken over tankers? Tankers must be taken over.

#SupremeCourt #Oxygen

2021-05-06 09:05 GMT

Mehra : Chhatisgarh and Tamil Nadu were given more than what was asked for. MP demanded 445 and 553 was given Maharashrtra asked for 1500 and 1660 MT was given.

SG Mehta interjects to say "Why are we making this state vs state?".

#SupremeCourt #Oxygen

2021-05-06 09:03 GMT

People of Delhi are dying. Centre should not be allowed to dilute the solemn assurance of 700 MT : Mehra.

#SupremeCourt #Oxygen

2021-05-06 09:03 GMT

Rahul Mehra : Centre's submissions go against the April 30 order of Supreme Court.

#SupremeCourt #Oxygen

2021-05-06 09:02 GMT

Mehra : On April 28, there was 113% increase in Delhi demand of oxygen from 490 to 700 MT. Now an attempt is being again made to give less than 560 MT, which was given after intervention of this court.

#SupremeCourt #Oxygen

2021-05-06 08:58 GMT

Centre cannot say that other states will suffer when other states have not said anything. It must be put on affidavit. Then states will reply and a holistic view can be taken : Rahul Mehra to Court.

#SupremeCourt #Oxygen

2021-05-06 08:58 GMT

Rahul Mehra submits that the SG's apprehension that other states will suffer if 700 MT oxygen is given to Delhi may be out of place as it was earlier submitted by the SG that there was no dearth of oxygen supply and that a reserve of 160000 MT oxygen was there.



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