CBSE ICSE CLASS XII Cancellation/ Assessment Scheme: Supreme Court Hearing-Live Updates

Update: 2021-06-22 08:44 GMT
Live Updates - Page 7
2021-06-22 09:39 GMT

Bench to Singh: Is that your case that you’re not able to evaluate the marks? 

Singh: Based on my internal marks i will know where i stand. Moderation will make it a little plus minus. 

2021-06-22 09:38 GMT

Justice Maheshwari: Whether a candidate would be to know exactly where he will stand, as that will happen after moderation is done? 

2021-06-22 09:37 GMT

Justice Maheshwari to AG: Mr Singh’s point of view is option is exercised at beginning. Would a particular student have option to work out as to how much marks he will be able to get? 

2021-06-22 09:36 GMT

Bench: AG is first appearing for us. 

2021-06-22 09:36 GMT

AG: Govt had taken decision in all these matters as they are the controlling authority.

2021-06-22 09:35 GMT

AG: This suggestion is counter productive as far as students are concerned. It is against their interest if they have only one option.

2021-06-22 09:34 GMT

AG: They are being given best of both worls. #CBSE 

2021-06-22 09:34 GMT

Bench: What we’re saying is at outset you take confirmation from the students. Those who opt for writing exams don’t opt for internal assessment. Thats their conscious decision. 

2021-06-22 09:34 GMT

Bench: That’d be their conscious decision. What issue does Board has. 

AG: If he takes only written exams he has no choice to stick to those marks. 

2021-06-22 09:32 GMT

AG: If a student says they do want internal assessment, and exams are taken if situation is better, they can’t go back to internal marks. In second situation, if they only take internal assessment, chance of improving won’t be there. 


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