Narada Scam Case Hearing : CBI vs TMC MLAs - Live Updates From Calcutta High Court

Update: 2021-05-19 08:32 GMT
Live Updates - Page 6
2021-05-19 09:40 GMT

Singvhi : My learned friend is entitled to appeal against the bail order. But the majesty of law requires that the wrong committed by CBI by moving the court in parallel must be corrected by releasing them forthwith.

2021-05-19 09:39 GMT

Singhvi : It is a remarkable argument that I must continue under arrest till I file a reply. A novel argument!

2021-05-19 09:39 GMT

DR AM Singhvi now responds to SG's submissions.

Singhvi : The order is obtained by fraud, misrepresentation of facts and actuated by mala-fides and patent vendetta.

2021-05-19 09:38 GMT

Solicitor General refers to a judgment on the powers of single bench and division bench of Calcutta High Court.

2021-05-19 09:37 GMT

Solicitor General : This is a much wider issue and not a petty issue of whether it should be heard by single bench or division bench.

Solicitor General : Allow me to put in my reply by tomorrow. This is a serious matter.

2021-05-19 09:35 GMT

Solicitor General : I am not on the political part of it. This is a question of administration of justice.

Solicitor General : After all these, they are now saying that the matter can be dealt with only by the single bench? That too when the matter is before the Acting Chief Justice, who is the master of roster?


2021-05-19 09:33 GMT

Solicitor General : Persons who are powerful, persons who can gather mobs, should not walk away from justice. What more evidence is needed to show the power of these individuals?

Solicitor General : With profound respect, if they are aged people, they will be properly dealt with. If the stay order is recalled, it will be a slap on the administration.

2021-05-19 09:32 GMT

Solicitor General : Persons who are powerful, persons who can gather mobs, should not walk away from justice. What more evidence is needed to show the power of these individuals?

2021-05-19 09:32 GMT

Solicitor General : The entire effort was to put pressure on the administration of justice. This is mockery of justice.

Solicitor General : I have not just invoked Section 407(for transfer). I have also invoked Section 482, which is applicable against abuse of process of law.

 Solicitor General : If this is not abuse of process of law, I don't know what can be abuse of process of law. They now want to vacate this order, so that their orchestrated and well-designed attempts to frustrate justice are successful.

2021-05-19 09:29 GMT

Solicitor General : The proceedings of May 17 are clearly vitiated. There was unprecedented pressure tactics and hooliganism.


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