[Bollywood Vs Republic And Times Now] Live Updates From Delhi High Court

Update: 2020-11-09 05:22 GMT
Live Updates - Page 6
2020-11-09 05:55 GMT

Akhil Sibal: Evidence is scrutinised by the court, not by the media channels. The same was noted by this court in Shashi Tharoor case against Arnab Goswami

2020-11-09 05:54 GMT

Akhil Sibal: media channels are describing their speculative material as 'evidence', how can they do that without the scrutiny of the court?

2020-11-09 05:50 GMT

Akhil Sibal has screen shared the entire order for public viewing

2020-11-09 05:50 GMT

Sibal cites Delhi HC's order in Shashi Tharoor case against Arnab Goswami which says that media can't convict a person when the investigation or trial is pending 

2020-11-09 05:48 GMT

Akhil Sibal: Even in Shashi Tharoor case against Arnab Goswami, the court had directed the latter to practice restrain

'Self-regulation by media is not happening and something more stringent is required', he argues 

2020-11-09 05:47 GMT

'NBSA had said that 'seeking truth' can't be a license for media channels to violate the rights of an accused and destroy his life', Sibal point out. 

2020-11-09 05:42 GMT

Sibal points out that NBSA did say that it's mindful of the fact that sometimes media goes overboard in its crusade to seek the truth, however, media should be wary of media trials and vigilante journalism 

2020-11-09 05:41 GMT

Akhil Sibal reads out the observations of the National Broadcasters Association on the style of reporting followed in the Newshour debates broadcasted by the defendants 

2020-11-09 05:41 GMT

Akhil Sibal: standards set up be journalists themselves prohibit conjectural and speculative reporting 

2020-11-09 05:41 GMT

Akhil Sibal reads out the standards on reporting of pending judicial proceedings or investigations

'journalists are not supposed to comment on the personal culpability of any person', he argues 


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