Aryan Khan, Arbaaz Merchant & Munmun Dhamecha Bail Hearing Before Special NDPS Court-LIVE UPDATES

Update: 2021-10-13 05:15 GMT
Live Updates - Page 6
2021-10-13 09:48 GMT

Desai says that none of the recoveries mentioned in the panchnama was from Aryan.

If he did not have cash he had no plans to purchase. If he had no substance, he wasn't going to sell or consume.

2021-10-13 09:45 GMT

The search ended at 8.10 pm.

Desai says that Aryan Khan, Munmun and Arbaaz were produced the next day, on October 3.

Desai - While Arbaaz they say is my friend, there is no mention of Munmun. She is not even part of the panchnama but is arrested with us.

2021-10-13 09:43 GMT

Desai - Their maximum case against Aryan Khan is no possession, admission of consumption.

2021-10-13 09:41 GMT

Desai - All the sentences is as if they had pictures of people who were to come..i won't say anything because NCB does good work sometimes.

They seemed like they wanted to catch them in the act but they didn't track them earlier, clearly.

2021-10-13 09:40 GMT

Desai - There is a recovery from Chhoker, Ismeet and Arbaaz, not Aryan.

When it comes to the secret information of use, sale and consumption, that was not Aryan Khan.

2021-10-13 09:38 GMT

Desai from panchnama - Thereafter two more persons came to the departure Gate and they said their names are Arbaz Merchant and Aryan Khan, declined politely to be searched before the magistrate.

Please note it says "They Accepted" they had contraband.

Desai reading - When asked, Aryan Khan he said it was for smoke during the cruise.

The first fact is that there is nothing recovered from Aryan Khan.

2021-10-13 09:32 GMT

Desai skips portions about Panchas.. At 16.50 two persons that resemble the description approach.

Vikrant Chokker and Ishmeet Chaddha we're asked and they said they are carrying contraband. And removed it.

2021-10-13 09:30 GMT

Desai is reading the panchnama prepared by the NCB and says he will refer to only imp bits- I've been told your honour reads the record...

2021-10-13 09:29 GMT

Desai says that Khan was invited by another person Pratik Gaba and on October 2 he was apprehended before they were to get on to the cruise

2021-10-13 09:28 GMT

Aryan Khan's matter* called out.

Desai begins - The facts as far as my client are concerned for purposes of bail..

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