Arvind Kejriwal's Bail : Live Updates From Supreme Court

Update: 2024-09-05 04:20 GMT
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Live Updates - Page 12
2024-09-05 06:12 GMT

Singhvi cites judicial precedents (Satender Antil, Arnesh Kumar, etc,)

Singhvi: Mechanically saying S41, S41A CrPC is not enough. Any non-compliance entitles one to bail.

2024-09-05 06:10 GMT

ASG: we have a preliminary objection to the bail matter. Arguments on bail and arrest being mixed

J Kant: Let Mr Singhvi argue, if he wants, on merits

2024-09-05 06:07 GMT

J Kant: Please keep in mind this is a bail matter

ASG: The amount of time given to him may be given to us

Singhvi: My friend becomes more fair when he appears for CBI 

2024-09-05 06:05 GMT

Singhvi: I am the most captive interogatee. The only point of arrest was to have insurance, if I win in the ED case. They have to give pleadings, demonstrate.

2024-09-05 06:03 GMT

Singhvi: Imminence of me committing further offence was minus, not zero. He was found fit for release by Supreme Court two times!

2024-09-05 06:02 GMT

Singhvi: This is very important. These statutes are for paper? They arrest under S.41, without giving details under what...they have to be mandatorily given...none of (a) to (e) was applicable.

2024-09-05 06:01 GMT

Singhvi (to ASG): What you are calling technicality are procedural safeguards!

2024-09-05 06:01 GMT

ASG: S.41A is when they call him. If he is already there, there is no question of giving him...hyper-technical

SInghvi: You don't defeat liberty by saying technicality. Least of all the prosecutor. Please wait, much more is coming.

2024-09-05 05:59 GMT

Singhvi: There is no S.41A notice.

J Kant: Does the application not amount to notice? You are already in custody. It's a statutory obligation on them...

Singhvi: There is no application given to me by CBI. It was between CBI and court

2024-09-05 05:58 GMT

Singhvi: They move an application to examine and interrogate as per S.41A CrPC! It's proof that they did not want to arrest him.


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