Article 370 Case : Live Updates From Supreme Court [Day 15]

Update: 2023-09-04 04:55 GMT
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Live Updates - Page 4
2023-09-04 09:20 GMT

Sibal: And the decision had to be taken by ruler.

Sibal: Jammu and Kashmir had a constitution of 1939 which had an administrative structure like any other democratic structure except that the Prajasabha was dominated by dogras. All nominees in Prajasabha were dogras.

2023-09-04 09:19 GMT

Sibal: To say that you must respect our sentiments as if they're somebody else itself is creating a kind of chasm it shouldn't be creating.

Sibal: We are concerned with interpretation of 370...if you look at history of India, J&K had no links with India geographically and the two principles on basis of which accession had to take place was contiguity and population.

2023-09-04 09:19 GMT

Sibal: All residents in J&K are citizens of India. If historically there is an article which gives them certain rights, they're entitled to defend that as a matter of law.

2023-09-04 09:14 GMT

Sibal: All residents in J&K are citizens of India. If historically there is an article which gives them certain rights, they're entitled to defend that as a matter of law.

2023-09-04 09:14 GMT

Sibal: I was somewhat pained when one counsel argued that we respect the sentiments of people of J&K but you must also respect our sentiments. We cannot produce this case to an emotive, majoritarian interpretation of constitution of India.

2023-09-04 09:14 GMT

Senior Advocate Sibal commences his rejoinder arguments.

2023-09-04 09:13 GMT

SG: They're also wrong.

Sibal: Then you should apologise for them. Let me argue the case now.

2023-09-04 09:13 GMT

Sibal: What is a serious issue? You want me to say something I shouldn't say in court?

AG: He wants his fundamental rights to be enforced...

Sibal: Everyone has fundamental rights in this country including those who on the streets you vilify.

2023-09-04 09:08 GMT

CJI: Tomorrow, just ask him to file an affidavit.

2023-09-04 09:08 GMT

CJI: But all of them have come in one spirit - which is that they abide by the integrity of India.

Sibal: You cannot be a member of Lok sabha without abiding by the Constitution of India. There is an oath he has taken. There's an affidavit filed there.


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