NLU Jodhpur Organizes Two Day Work Shop on Elderly Abuse

Update: 2015-09-22 06:14 GMT

Recently National Law University, Jodhpur organised a two day workshop on “Right to Dignity: Elderly Abuse in an Era of Social Progress and Urbanization” at the university’s convention centre. This workshop was organized in collaboration with National Human Rights Commission.

The workshop was constituted into six sessions in which close to 50 papers were presented. The Session was chaired by some eminent faculty members of the university and also by key resource persons who had been invited for the same from across the country’s best institutions.

The workshop was attended by Students and Professors from across law teaching institutions spread all over the country along with the representatives of NGOs and also by other institutions and academicians.

The workshop was organized by Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation at National Law University, Jodhpur chaired by Dr. Manisha Mirdha. Dr. Mirdha informed that the workshop was based on a contemporary theme which is one of the burning issues in the evolving patterns of Indian Society. The papers presented and the deliberations held were a perfect blend of both idealism and practicalities and hence at the conclusion of the workshop, the same can be called both satisfactory and successful.

The University’s Vice Chancellor, Prof. Poonam Pradhan Saxena,  presided the Inaugural and the Valedictory sessions while the welcome address was initiated by the Dean faulty of Law, Prof. I.P. Massey. Registrar of University, RAS Sohan Lal Sharma was also present for this academic discourse.

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