Jammu & Kashmir HCBA Says DM Order Restricting Bar Elections Wasn't Required, Will Impede Court Functioning

Update: 2023-07-20 09:04 GMT
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The Jammu and Kashmir High Court Bar Association (HCBA) has issued a statement criticising Srinagar DM's order stalling bar elections in light of alleged clashes between the HCBA and a group of lawyers.The HCBA has denied the allegations that it threatened the members of a rival faction Kashmir Advocates Association (KAA) and disrupted their meeting. HCBA said it defends the right of any...

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The Jammu and Kashmir High Court Bar Association (HCBA) has issued a statement criticising Srinagar DM's order stalling bar elections in light of alleged clashes between the HCBA and a group of lawyers.

The HCBA has denied the allegations that it threatened the members of a rival faction Kashmir Advocates Association (KAA) and disrupted their meeting. HCBA said it defends the right of any person to form groups, Associations and hold meetings within the ambit of law.

It said the DM issued an order imposing restrictions under Section 144 CrPC on the holding of elections to the HCBA without considering that the allegations are false and malicious. Moreover, it claims that HCBA has not issued any election notice yet and the DM's order is speculative, not required.

"The orchestrated episode is not only aimed at maligning the Bar association but also has misled the state authorities who has acted without proper inquiry and issued order under section 144 CRPC, which was neither required nor justified and will become impediment in the functioning of Court and Administration of Justice", HCBA's press note reads.

HCBA said that if any election process is conducted, it will be done only after the constitutional review committee gives its opinion.

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