COVID- Delhi High Court To Resume Limited Physical Hearings From August 31, District Courts From August 24

Update: 2021-08-19 11:15 GMT
COVID- Delhi High Court To Resume Limited Physical Hearings From August 31, District Courts From August 24
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Preponing it's earlier schedule, full Court of the Delhi High Court has resolved to resume limited physical hearings in the High Court as well as the District Courts from August 31 and August 24 respectively.The office orders issued on Thursday modifies the earlier order issued by the Court which had stated that Physical hearings in the Delhi High Court as well as the District Courts will...

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Preponing it's earlier schedule, full Court of the Delhi High Court has resolved to resume limited physical hearings in the High Court as well as the District Courts from August 31 and August 24 respectively.

The office orders issued on Thursday modifies the earlier order issued by the Court which had stated that Physical hearings in the Delhi High Court as well as the District Courts will be resumed from September 6 and August 31 respectively in a restricted manner. 

"Suitable number of Benches of this Court, for physical hearings, shall be constituted as per the directions of Hon'ble the Chief Justice while the remaining Benches shall continue to take up the matters through video conferencing, as per the existing system of listing of matters. All other pending routine/ non-urgent matters listed before this Court till 03.09.2021 shall stand adjourned en bloc, as already notified vide this Court's Office Order No. 471/RG/DHC/2021 dated 12.08.2021," the office order with regards to the High Court reads.

It has been stated further that Registrar and Joint Registrar (Judicial) Courts shall take up all the matters as per their respective cause lists w.e.f. 31.08.2021. 

"A roster shall also be prepared for the said courts in such a manner that every Registrar/ Joint Registrar (Judicial) holds physical court on alternate days w.e.f. 31.08.2021 while the others continue to hold courts through video-conferencing, as per the existing arrangement, on non-physical days," it reads further.

With respect to the functioning in District Courts, it has been stated that all Principal District and Sessions Judges shall prepare the roster of judicial officers in such a manner that every judicial officer holds physical court on alternate days w.e.f. 24.08.2021 while the others continue to hold courts through video-conferencing, as per the existing arrangement, on non-physical days.

"Thus, on any given day, 50% of the total strength of judicial officers shall hold the court physically while the remaining 50% shall hold the courts through virtual mode," it reads further.
"Endeavour shall be made to take up stay applications, bail applications and other miscellaneous urgent matters on physical days, wherever request to such effect is made."

Click Here To Read Office Order For High Court

Click Here To Read Office Order For District Courts


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