NLU Odisha: Certificate Course On Introduction To WTO Jurisprudence

Update: 2024-05-18 08:05 GMT
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International trade and investment are the main catalysts of globalization. Major wars in the 19th and 20th centuries have been for trade. It is always an important agenda in any diplomatic relations and any international summit or negotiations. Trade is an aspect of human interaction an like all human interactions it involves issues of access, self-preservation and self-interest, dominance, equality, benefits, fairness, rights, culture, disputes, dispute resolution etc.

The World Trade Organization was established to ensure that trade being an essential requirement of human civilization and growth does not become a reason for destructive wars. The Agreements under WTO are basic undertakings of countries to other countries. The course based on these WTO Agreements is essential for a law students. It is an essential part of international commercial law and provides students who have mastered the subject opportunities to work with international organizations, governmental departments and commercial law firms. In addition to this, students educated in international trade law are better able to understand underpinnings of international political developments and many domestic issues such as farmer suicides and farm laws.

Course Objectives: The main purpose of the course is to spread WTO literacy. Many aspects of our lives are affected by international agreements and we are not aware about it. This ignorance breeds misconceptions about various government policies and we end up either wrongly blaming the international treaties or passively accepting where we should be cautious. International trade treaties have come to stay. Hence, general awareness about this law should be encouraged so that our interests are better safeguarded in the international forum. The two-credits course being offered by NLUO Centre for International Trade Law is an effort in this direction.

The main objectives of the course are:

  • To impart knowledge about the basic legal framework of the WTO Agreement.

  • To clarify the concepts of international trade law under the WTO.

  • To guide through case laws how legal provisions are used and applied in disputes.

  • To help students analyse and evaluate the Agreements and case laws in the background of academic debates around them.

  • To guide students in research and writing on issues relating to international trade law.

Course Outcomes: After completing the course successfully, a student will be able to

  • Identify the foundational principles of the WTO law.

  • explain the framework of the WTO Agreements and their concepts.

  • critically analyse and evaluate WTO cases and the legal provisions.

  • Comment on trade-related issues from social, legal, and developmental perspectives.


Class No.



Class 1

Module 1

General Introduction and History

Class 2

Module 1

History and Creation of WTO

Class 3

Module 1

Theories on Trade

Class 4

Module 2

Organisational Structure of WTO

Class 5

Module 2

Dispute Settlement Under WTO

Class 6

Module 2

Dispute Settlement Under WTO

Class 7

Module 3

Market Access (Articles XI of GATT and Exceptions)

Class 8

Module 3

Market Access (Article II of GATT)

Class 9

Module 4

MFN and Exceptions

Class 10

Module 4

National Treatment

Class 11

Module 5

Trade Facilitation

Class 12

Module 5

Trade Facilitation

Class 13

Module 6

General Exceptions under GATT

Class 14

Module 6

Security Exceptions

Class 15

Module 7

Antidumping Measures

Class 16

Module 7

Antidumping Measures

Class 17

Module 7

Subsidies and Countervailing Measures

Class 18

Module 7

Subsidies and Countervailing Measures & Fisheries Subsidies

Class 19

Module 7

Safeguard Measures

Class 20

Module 8

Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosantiary Measures

Class 21

Module 8

Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosantiary Measures

Class 22

Module 8

Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade

Class 23

Module 9

Agreement on Agriculture

Class 24

Module 9

Agreement on Agriculture

Class 25

Module 10

General Agreement on Trade in Services

Class 26

Module 10

General Agreement on Trade in Services

Class 27

Module 11

Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

Class 28

Module 11

Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

Class 29

Module 12

Trade and Investment

Class 30

General Discussion


Evaluation will be based on written assignment for 50 marks. Students will have to submit the a research paper on a given topic. The purpose is to encourage students to research and think on WTO related issues.

Mode of Teaching and Duration of the Course

July 1, 2024 to August 10, 2024.

The course will be conducted online Monday to Friday 7pm. to 8 pm.

Google meet link will be shared with the registered students.

Declaration of results August 16, 2024.

Successful students will be given a certificate. The certificate will also specify that the course is of two credits.


Fee : Rs. 1000/- per person.

Last Date for payment and Registration: June 25, 2024.

Google Form for Registration:

Payment Guidelines:

The Course is offered by Prof. Sheela Rai. Sheela Rai is Professor of Law at the National Law University Odisha. She teaches International Trade Law and International Investment Law. She has published four books- An Introduction to WTO Jurisprudece (Thomson Reuters South Asia Pvt. Ltd. 2022), Antidumping Measures: Policy, Law and Practice in India (Partridge: A Penguin Random House Company, 2014), Recognition and Regulation of Safeguard Measures under GATT/WTO (London & New York: Routledge, 2011), Recognition and Regulation of Antidumping Measures under GATT/WTO (Lucknow : Eastern Book Company, 2004). In addition to the above she has published edited volumes- Trade Facilitation and the WTO (Co-edited with Prof. Jane K. Winn of Washington Law School) (Cambridge Scholars Press, 2019), Women and Trade: The Indian Context (Thomson Retuers, 2024), Guide to WTO Appellate Body Reports Volumes 1 and 2 (Satyam International, 2021 & 2023). She has also published articles in Indian and international journals. She has more than 20 years of teaching and research experience in International Trade Law.
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