In the 3rd year of its inception, KLE College of Law is pleased to announce the 1st KLE National Law Fest – 2019 (SPARKLE) from 26th February 2019 till 3rd March 2019 for National Debate Competition to be held on 26th February 2019.
The theme of Debate - Judicial Interference in Religion and Custom.
Rules for Debate Competition
Each college can send two participants to speak on any one of the proposition, one each for and against the proposition.
Registration Fees- Rs. 500/-
- 1st prize Memento + Rs. 11,000/- cash
- 2nd prize Memento + Rs. 5,000/- cash
For any queries Email at klemumbailawcollege@gmailcom; or call at
Ph. No. 022-27422210/9322446010
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