Call For Submissions: Inaugural Edition Of Campus Law Centre, Journal For Legal And Policy Research

The Campus Law Centre, Journal for Legal and Policy Research (CLC-JLPR) is pleased to invite submissions for its inaugural edition. As a platform for critical discourse, contributions are welcome that explore contemporary legal and socio-legal issues through rigorous research and analysis.
Campus Law Centre is one of the premier legal education institutions in India. Established in 1922, under the aegis of the University of Delhi, CLC has been at the forefront of legal scholarship and advocacy since its inception. In 1975, the day classes of LL.B. at the Faculty of Law were rechristened as Campus Law Centre, marking a new era of excellence in legal education.
With a century-long legacy, CLC has nurtured some of the most eminent legal minds in the country, including renowned lawyers, distinguished academicians, Union Cabinet Ministers, Chief Justices, and judges who have contributed significantly to the legal landscape of India. Upholding its tradition of academic excellence and intellectual rigor, CLC remains a beacon of legal education, committed to fostering scholarly research and informed discussions on contemporary legal and policy issues.
The CLC-JLPR continues this tradition by providing a platform for students, researchers, and other academicians to engage in meaningful legal discourse and contribute to the development of legal scholarship.
Submission Process
Authors are required to submit an extended abstract for consideration. The editorial board will review all abstracts and select pieces for final submission. Only the selected authors will be invited to submit full-length manuscripts, which will undergo a further peer review process before publication.
The last date for extended abstract submission is April 15th, 2025.
Additionally, individuals who have already completed their pieces (full manuscripts) may directly email them for consideration by the Editorial Board at the institutional email address: .
Theme: Any contemporary legal and socio-legal issue
Extended Abstract Submission Guidelines
Authors are requested to submit their extended abstracts through the dedicated submission portal for this issue (Vol. I) using the Google Form:
The submission portal requires a separate upload of:
- The extended abstract (without any identifiable information).
- A cover page containing author details.
Selection of the category under which the author wishes to submit (to be indicated in the Google Form).
Extended Abstract Requirements
- Word Limit: 800 – 1,200 words (inclusive of footnotes).
- Abstract Structure: Must outline the research question, methodology, key arguments, and tentative conclusions.
- Keywords: Five keywords separated by semicolons.
Categories for Final Submission (Upon Selection)
- Articles: 5,000 – 10,000 words (inclusive of footnotes).
- Comments & Notes: 4,000 – 6,000 words (inclusive of footnotes).
- Judicial Trends & Legislative Trends: 3,000 – 5,000 words (inclusive of footnotes).
Judicial Trends: Must analyse significant judicial pronouncements in India from the year 2025.
Legislative Trends: Must provide a descriptive account of key legislative developments in 2025.
- Book Reviews: 1,000 – 2,000 words (inclusive of footnotes).
Book reviews must be limited to books published within the last five years.
Formatting Guidelines
- Font: Times New Roman; Size 12 for text, 10 for footnotes.
- Line spacing: 1.5 for text; single for footnotes.
- File format: Microsoft Word Document.
- Citation Style: Indian Law Institute's (ILI) Citation Style (strict adherence required). The citation guide is accessible [ILI CITATION STYLE].
Anonymity & Cover Page Requirements
To ensure an anonymous review process, the extended abstract document must not contain any reference to the identity of the author(s).
The cover page must be uploaded separately and should include:
- Title, Name, University/Organization (if any), Educational Qualification, and Professional Status of the author(s).
- Acknowledgements (if any) in not more than 300 words.
Submission Schedule
Authors whose extended abstracts are selected will be notified by April 30th, 2025, following which they will be invited to submit their full manuscripts. The writing window will officially begin on May 1st, 2025, and authors will be granted a period of three months, until August 1st, 2025, to complete and submit their full papers. After the submission of full manuscripts, all pieces will undergo a double-blind peer review and editorial process during August 2025. The final, peer-reviewed and edited pieces will be published in the inaugural edition of CLC-JLPR in September 2025.
How to Submit?
Authors are requested to submit their extended abstracts through the dedicated submission portal for this issue (Vol. I) using the Google Form: The last date for extended abstract submission is April 15th, 2025. Authors must select the category they wish to submit under in the Google Form.
After due consideration, selected authors will be invited to submit their full manuscripts for peer review and final publication at a later date, around September 2025.
For any queries, feel free to contact at
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Google Form: