The High Court of Patna invites online applications for the post of Law Assistant.
Name of the Post: Law Assistant
No. of Post: 16 (Sixteen)
Essential Qualification and Experience
• Law Graduates/ Post Graduates from a University/ College recognized by the Bar Council of India shall be eligible to apply/ serve as Law assistants provided that the applicant has passed the LL.B/ LL.M examination within two years from the date of detailed advertisement. Also, their candidature must be recommended by a designated Senior Advocate of this Court or by the Head of the last Law School/ College/ University attended by him/her; OR
• A final year Law student pursuing 03 year/ 05 year Law Course shall also be eligible to apply for the post of Law Assistant subject to the production of a provisional degree certificate on the date of his/ her interview for being considered for selection. Such applicants will have to submit/ upload copies of mark sheet/ grade sheet attested by Head/ Dean/ Director of institution/ department of last preceding year (2nd year/ 4th year) along with their application forms.
How to apply?
• To apply online, click here
• The last date to submit the online application is 23.06.2022
To Access Official Notification, click here