Department of Health Research invites application for the post of Consultant (Legal) retired Government officials.
Name of the Post: Consultant (Legal)
No. of Post: 02 (Two)
Age Limit: 64 Years
Essential Qualification and Experience
• Government Officials retired from Level 13 & 12 of the pay matrix (equivalent to DS/Director level) having experience in the following matters:
• Proficient in Noting and Drafting and well acquainted with Govt. Rules and regulations (i) Experience in legal matters (ii) Experience of handling litigation, and (iii) Adequate computer knowledge.
How to apply?
• Interested candidates are required to submit in their application in the prescribed format and shall submit it to Under Secretary (Admn.) Department of Health Research Room No.222, 2nd Floor, IRCS Building, Red Cross Road, New Delhi-01 on or before 31.03.2025
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