High Court of Judicature, Patna invites online applications from eligible Advocates for direct recruitment, both on Permanent and Temporary posts in the Bihar Superior Judicial Service.
Name of the Post: District Judge (Entry Level)
No. of Post: 27 (Twenty-Seven)
Pay Scale: Rs. 51550-1230-58930-1380-63070
Essential Qualification and Experience
- Any applicant who has not completed 7 years of practice on the last date of receipt of Application as specified in the advertisement and who does not give declaration of appearance in at least 24 cases per year in the last 3 years, shall not be eligible for consideration for such an appointment.
- The candidates qualifying in the Written Test shall be required to give declaration of appearance in at least 24 cases per year in the last 3 years preceding the year of advertisement which is 2019-20.
How to apply?
- To apply online click here
- The application shall be filled up online (www.patnahighcourt.gov.in) from 21.02.2020 to 21.03.2020 till 23:59 hours after which the link shall be disabled.
- However, the link shall remain available up to 28.03.2020 till 23:59
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