Call For Papers: NLIU Bhopal’s CBCL Blog

Update: 2018-10-04 15:30 GMT

The Centre for Business and Commercial Laws (CBCL), National Law Institute University, Bhopal, runs the CBCL Blog with the aim of generating awareness and facilitating research in the field of business and commercial laws.

Submissions are invited from students and practitioners on contemporary issues relevant to the areas of corporate law, securities law, insolvency law, banking law, capital markets and securities law, arbitration law, competition law and taxation law.

Submissions for the blog shall be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Authors should use endnotes and not footnotes.

The blog article must deal with an issue relevant to the aforementioned areas.

Authors are advised to keep their articles concise and precise to enhance the effectiveness of their posts, ideally not more than 1,500 words (excluding endnotes).

All submissions must be sent in an MS Word document to

For further details, click here.

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