Call for Papers; Journal of Legal Research and Analysis (JLRA)

Update: 2015-10-04 04:35 GMT

Journal of Legal Research and Analysis (JLRA) has invited submissions for its Vol. 1 Issue 2 from academicians, practitioners, students, researchers and experts from and within the legal community.

Nature of Submissions

  1. Articles (3000-5000 words, inclusive of footnotes): Articles must provide a complete
    analysis of the area of law which the author seeks to highlight. It must contain a comprehensive study of the existing law, indicating the lacunae therein, and must contain an attempt to suggest possible changes which can address the said lacunae.
  2. Essays (2000- 3000 words exclusive of footnotes): An essay is more adventurous as it challenges existing paradigms/norms and provides a fresh outlook to common problems.
  3. Legislative and Policy Review (2000-3000 words): A critical analysis of any legislation or
    policy in India. Advocacy for need of a Law or Policy or Amendments in any Law or Policy
    in India.
  4. Book Reviews (1500-2000 words, inclusive of footnotes):
    Book Reviews may be solicited
    and unsolicited pieces which critically examine a book released within the two years preceding
    the release of the current issue of the ESLJ.
  5. Legislative Comments (2000 – 3000 words, inclusive of footnotes): The legislation should
    be analyzed with a view to provide the background, objectives and main provisions of the
    legislation to the readers. The comments must be objective in reporting facts and

Submission Guidelines

  1. An abstract of the submission written in not more than 250 words must be submitted along with the contribution.
  2. All submissions should be made MS Word (*.doc or *.docx) electronically at along with the following information:
    Name of the Author
    Position/Year of Study
    Author Contact Information

Formatting Guidelines

  1. The submission shall be in MS Word format strictly.
  2. The Main Text font shall be in Times New Roman of font size 12, with Spacing of 1.5.
  3. The footnotes to be in Times New Roman of font size 10, with Spacing 1.
  4. End notes are not to be used.
  5. FOOTNOTES: Font – Times New Roman; Font size -10; Spacing – Every Footnote shall be
    single spaced, but there shall be double spacing between two different Footnotes.
  6. Citation Format: Citations included in the submitted articles should conform to ‘SILC:
    Standard Indian Legal Citation’.

Last date for submission of contributions: 31st October, 2015.

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