Call For Papers: 13th National Conference On Taxation Laws At ILS Law College, Pune

Indian Law Society is pleased to invite participation and submissions of Research paper for Remembering S.P. Sathe: 13th National Conference on Taxation Laws scheduled to be held on 09th and 10th of February 2019. ILS Law College annually organises Remembering S. P. Sathe event, comprising of a Public Memorial lecture, a Conference and a Moot Court Competition, all based on a common theme, in fond and loving memory of its illustrious former Principal, Late Professor S.P. Sathe.
Who can apply?
Law Students, Professors, Professionals such as Lawyers, Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Cost and Management Accountants, students of such professions and other tax practitioners.
Themes: Constitution and Taxation, Interplay of Taxation laws with IBC, GST @ 1 Is India on the road to GST Stability, Economic Consideration of Taxation Policy, How technology and Block Chain is changing the world of taxation for tax payers and Governments, Overlap of Anti-black money, Benami and taxation Laws.
For Registration form click here
Fee Details
- Inclusive of Reading Material & lunch only.
- 2500*/- (Two Thousand & five hundred Rupees): with paper for Professionals & Law Teachers
- 3000*/- (Three Thousand Rupees): without paper for professionals & Law Teachers
- 600*/- (Six Hundred Rupees): with paper for students
- 1200*/- (Twelve Hundred Rupees): without paper for students
Important Dates
- Last date to register for the conference: 25th January 2019
- Paper submission: Last date to submit abstracts: 15th January 2019.
- Last date to submit completed papers: 25th January 2019
For any queries contact Hrucha Dhamdhere: 8087446542
For Brochure click here