Court room no. 14 Judges- Akshay Sapre and... ... [Live Updates] : 5th NLIU Justice R. K. Tankha Memorial International Arbitration Moot Court Competition

Court room no. 14

Judges- Akshay Sapre and Hita Kumar


Claimant- T23 Bangalore Institute of Legal Studies

Speakers- Abhijith K.B. and Pragati Jaiswal
Researcher- Midhat Zehra

Respondent- TC4 SLS Pune

Speakers- Ram Sharma, Avani Laad
Researchers- Charvi Krishna, Akshat Trivedi

The second preliminary round has begun. The claimants are arguing over the dispute resolution clause being an overriding clause. The judges want clarification over whether the arbitration Institute mentioned in the contract is the present tribunal or not. The claimant are arguing over the intention of the parties to arbitrate.

Update: 2020-02-22 07:04 GMT

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