Courtroom 9 Judge Manini Brar asked for some... ... [Live Updates] : 5th NLIU Justice R. K. Tankha Memorial International Arbitration Moot Court Competition

Courtroom 9

Judge Manini Brar asked for some clarification regarding the speaker's contention and the latter explained herself promptly. Satisfied by the answer provided, the judge asked the speaker to continue. The speaker started with the second issue.

Keeping aside the minimal grilling by the judges, the mood of the courtroom is fairly relaxed.

The court clerk made a signal for letting the participants, as well as the judges, know that the time limit provided to the first speaker has come to and end. However, the judges are not content and have asked another question to explain her contention.

The second speaker is, very dramatically, putting forth her arguments. The judges seem very involved in the issue and henceforth, are asking multiple questions providing hypothetical situations to test the legal knowledge of the second speaker.

Update: 2020-02-22 05:39 GMT

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