Amidst Continued Protests, Police Summoned To The NLIU Campus

Update: 2017-11-11 16:03 GMT

The protests at the National Law Institute University, Bhopal continued today, with a recent release claiming that the Director, Prof. (Dr.) S.S. Singh, has summoned the Police to the campus multiple times.

The release issued by the students states, "The Director has unnecessarily summoned the police to the college multiple times, despite the fact that the protest is a controlled and peaceful one, with not one hint of violence or agitation. This has been done to intimidate the students and harass them in order to extinguish the protest. However, all his fear-mongering tactics did not come to fruition, including the sub-divisional magistrate who was called to the college by the Administration to pressurize the students to withdraw."

The students have also alleged that Prof. Singh has been attempting to suppress news of the protest by misrepresenting to the media that the students' demands have been met. With such claims, their demand for Prof. Singh's resignation has only intensified, with "#NotMyDirector" gaining popularity on social media. Several NLIU alumni have also joined in, lending their voices against what they claim to have been the situation for the past ten years of Justice Singh's term.

Their protest has been supported by the student body associations of NLS, NALSAR, and NUJS as well, with these associations having issued joint statements to show their solidarity with the student body of NLIU.

Here is the full text of today's release:

"Bohot hua ye atyachaar, Naya director abki Baar!"

The third day of NLIU Bhopal's students' protest continues, the movement having gained more momentum with the aid of political and media support. The student body has been protesting against the corrupt, sexist, and casteist Director, and the tribulations they have undergone under his oppressive regime. Their demand for resignation has strengthened despite the involvement of the police, the students camping out on the streets in harsh weather conditions till up to 2:30 am. 

The Director has unnecessarily summoned the police to the college multiple times, despite the fact that the protest is a controlled and peaceful one, with not one hint of violence or agitation. This has been done to intimidate the students and harass them in order to extinguish the protest. However, all his fear-mongering tactics did not come to fruition, including the sub-divisional magistrate who was called to the college by the Administration to pressurize the students to withdraw. 

The Director, however, has refused to accede, turning a blind eye to the plight of the students left out in the cold. Instead of listening to the grievances and demands, he chose to return to the comfort of his house, dismissing the students with a callously mocking "good night". The arrogance of Prof. S. S. Singh is exhibited in the fact that his nonchalant behavior has continued despite the protest, and he has taken no concrete measures to provide for the students. To make things worse, he has, on multiple occasions, tried to suppress news of the protest by misrepresenting to the media that the students' demands have been met. 

In the recent turn of events, it appears impossible for Prof. S. S. Singh to continue as the Director as he has been unanimously condemned by the entire student body. The students have vehemently refused to recognize him as the Director, with "#NotMyDirector" gaining popularity on social media. In such a situation, it is inconceivable that Prof. S. S. Singh will be able to establish and maintain order and stability in the University except through brutal subjugation, as he had done during the 2013 protest by the students of NLIU. 

In a mark of support for the ongoing protest, the student body associations of NLS, NALSAR, and NUJS have issued a joint statement showing solidarity with the student body of NLIU in their fight against the tyrannical reign of Prof. S. S. Singh. Various NLIU alumni have spoken up against the Director, testifying against his claim that there were no problems for the past ten years of his term.

Furthermore, numerous MPs and MLAs, the Ministry of Law, and the Ministry of Higher Education have also recognized the student's cause and expressed their concerns over Prof. S. S. Singh continuing as the Director of NLIU.

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