In memory of the eminent jurist Shri Durga Das Basu the Constitutional Law Society of the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences is organizing the 4th Durga Das Basu Essay Competition 2015-2016.
Topic for the Competition: Scrutinising the Constitutional power to disqualify a person from contesting democratic elections.
Eligibility: This Competition is open to students (undergraduate/post-graduate) from all colleges in India. Multiple essays from the same college are permitted.
Submission Guidelines
- All participants must send electronic copies of their essay in “.docx” (Microsoft Word) and “.pdf” formats by email to ddbasuessaycompetition@gmail.com by 11:59 PM on January 31st, 2016.
- The participants are also required to send a scanned copy of their institutional identity card along with the submission.
- The Participant must ensure that the “.docx” copy of the submission can be opened legibly with Microsoft Office 2010 or Microsoft Office 2007 and the “.pdf” copy of the submission can be opened legibly with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
- Co-authorship is not allowed.
Formatting Guidelines: The Submissions must follow the following specifications:
- All submissions are required to have a cover page. The name of the participant and the participant’s college should be clearly mentioned on the cover page.
- Font: Time News Roman
- Font Size: 12
- Spacing: 1.5
- Margin: One inch on all sides
- Paper size: A4
- Word Limit: 3500-5000 (exclusive of footnotes)
- Citations are mandatory and should be in the form of footnotes following a uniform format.
- Winner: Winner’s Certificate and a Cash Prize of Rs. 5,000.
- Runner Up: Runner Up Certificate and a Cash Prize of Rs. 3,000.
- Next best two Participants : A “Certificate of Merit” issued by the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences and the Constitutional Law Society
- “Certificate of Participation” will be issued to all the participants of the Competition in electronic format by the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences and the Constitutional Law Society
The last date for submission of the essay: January 31st, 2016
Click here for official notification.