3rd Damodaram Sanjivayya National Moot Court Competition 2017

Update: 2016-11-30 15:48 GMT
About the moot:

Today, the Indian market is bursting with development, everyday we see new players entering it and old ones trying hard to maintain their position at the top. Competition is indeed tough! The Indian Competition Law is still in its infant stage, growing rapidly, thus, realising the need of the current market scenario and the interest of the students Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University, (DSNLU) is proud to declare open the 3rd Damodaram Sanjivayya National Moot Court Competition, 2017 based on the subject of competition law.

DSNLU has successfully organised the previous two editions of the Competition and this time we mean to make it even more memorable for the participants.

The competition is invite based only and each team that wishes to participate in the competition should express their interest by sending a request to issue an invite via email to dsnmc17@dsnlu.ac.in latest by 20th December, 2016. Further information on the competition is available in the Rules of the Competition.

Kindly note that the moot proposition (Rococco v Maxsmall) released on 26th November, 2016 has been changed due to internal database glitch. Therefore it is requested that you take note of the change before progressing with the expression of interest, the new parties being “Republic of Avalon and Ors.” The official notification for the same has been published on our website dsnlu.ac.in/moot. DSNLU regrets the inconvenience caused.

Important Dates:

  • Registration Opens: 26.11.2016

  • Last Date for Expression of Interest: 20.12.16

  • Last Date for Online Registration: 10.01.17

  • Last Date for soft-copy submissions:  06.02.2017

  • Last Date for hard-copy submissions of Memorial: 11.02.17

  • Dates of the Competition 24.02.17 to 26.02.17

Contact Details:

  1. DSNMC Committee
    Ph+ 91 7671091333
    Email: dsnmc17@dsnlu.ac.in

  2. Rupali Dube
    Student Convenor, DSNMC

  3. Nidhi Singh,Convenor, MAS

For Moot Proposition Click  here

For Rules Click here

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