Union Law Minister inaugurates Students’ Bar Council of SDM Law College

Update: 2015-09-08 04:10 GMT

The Students’ Bar Council of SDM Law College, Mangalore was inaugurated by Union Law Minister D V Sadanada Gowda. While inaugurating Students’ Bar council at Mangalore Sri  Gowda said, “Creating legal awareness to the rural public is very much needed. The rural publics have no knowledge of law, legal procedure etc. Hence, it is the responsibility of the law students to provide them this Knowledge.”

“The ministry has prepared four Bills on changing old laws and very soon the National Litigation Policy will be into force”, he added.

Prof. Swapn Bhattecharya, Director of NITK Surthkal, Mangalore who was the Chief Guest of the function requested Sri Gowda to upgrade NITK campus to that of IIT. Sri Gowda assured that he will discuss the proposal with the HRD Minister Smt Smrithi Irani.

An MOU was signed by Prof Swapn Bhattacharya with SDM Law College to cooperate on the field of Intellectual Property Law. Prof N J Kadambha, Founder Principal of SDM Law College was honoured on the occasion. Dr Tharanath, Principal, Naresh M, Students’ Council In charge and Ms Divya Rao, President of the Students’ Bar council were present.

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