West Bengal School Staff Recruitment Scam : Live Updates From Supreme Court Hearing
CJI: example - call records we get are downloaded from a server, there is a blockchain, the certificate says that as I downloaded from server, this was on the server, but he cannot vouch that the server was manipulated in terms of the data
CJI: OMR sheets have been destroyed, so this document is not available.....65B certificate will only say that what is download from the hard disk is what is uploaded on the disk
CJI: there is a misconception about 65B....the evidentiary value attached to a document depends not on the mode alone, but on several factors, .....65B doesn't deal with and say what evidentiary value is attached to it, its only on the mode of proof
Sr Adv Jaideep Gupta for SSC : we support the application that the segregation is possible
CJI: divide you arguments into (1) segregation part and (2) the observations of HC in paragraph 8
Dwivedi: state created supernumery posts subject to the HC's approval ....our submission is that the DB went to far ahead which was unnecessary
CJI: what is your stand? you are saying tainted cannot be segregated from untainted ?
Dwivedi: no state is saying it can be, because CBI has given several data
Dwivedi refers to the Impugned order :
CJI: the recommendations for group D were that this was an enhanced number above the figure of 11,610?
Counsel : yes
Dwivedi: CBI has found manipulation wrt to 952 candidates ...
CJI: this shows that marks were manipulated and increased compared to the written examination