Ukraine v. Russia : International Court Of Justice Concludes Hearing Ukraine's Application; Russia Refuses To Appear [LIVE UPDATES]

Update: 2022-03-07 09:10 GMT
Live Updates - Page 9
2022-03-07 09:50 GMT

Ukraine: It is extremely urgent to bring to an end without delay this war perpetrated to prevent an alleged genocide and the punishment launched against Ukraine, its leaders, its people against its very existence by President Vladimir Putin.

2022-03-07 09:50 GMT

Ukraine: The government of Ukraine, the people of Ukraine, the people of Ukraine ask you respectfully but urgently to grant our request for provisional measures.

2022-03-07 09:34 GMT

Ukraine agent : Russia consented to your (ICJ's) jurisdiction under the Genocide convention. Now it is violating that convention to destroy Ukraine. Russia must be stopped. And this Court has a duty to stop Russia.

2022-03-07 09:33 GMT

Ukraine : If Russia does not return to international law on its own, the Court has the power to Act and also the responsibility to act.

2022-03-07 09:32 GMT

Ukraine's agent : Madam President, Ukraine's case is straightforward. Russia accuses Ukraine of committing genocide. Ukraine denies that claim in the strongest possible terms. Russia claims that in order to stop a non-existent genocide, it can invade a sovereign state. Ukraine rejects this baseless claim. My message to Russia is, let us resolve this dispute like civilised nations. Lay down your arms, and put forward your evidence.

2022-03-07 09:27 GMT

Ukraine : With its false claim of genocide, Russia uses one pillar of the modern international law to destroy the other. By falsely claiming genocide to justify its crimes of aggression and acts of aggression, Russia has defiled the Genocide convention.

2022-03-07 09:25 GMT

Ukraine: We can no longer provide state services to our citizens or reside in occupied territory including the administrative services, education, medical services. This is not the first time Ukraine has experienced first hand Russia's disrespect for international law.

2022-03-07 09:25 GMT

Agent of Ukraine- I stand here before the Peace Palace but at home my country faces a war of aggression. Millions of people back home are in imminent danger.

2022-03-07 09:25 GMT

Ukraine Agent : We should recall that in World War II, Ukrainians and Russians stood together to stop evil.

2022-03-07 09:23 GMT

Ukraine agent : The Russian President said that the purpose of the war is to protect people from a genocide. This is a horrible lie. Putin lies and Ukranians, our citizens die. It is not Ukraine which committed genocide. It is Russia and its political leadership and military personnel who commit war crimes and crimes against humanity in the territory of Ukraine.


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