Ukraine-Returned Indian Students Approach Supreme Court Seeking To Continue Medical Education In India

Update: 2022-03-28 13:12 GMT

Students pursuing professional medical education at various institutions across Ukraine have approached Supreme Court seeking formulation of policy by Union as a special measure to enable the Indian Medical students who were studying in Ukraine to continue their medical education. Students in the writ have also sought provision of infrastructural support and requisite academic support for...

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Students pursuing professional medical education at various institutions across Ukraine have approached Supreme Court seeking formulation of policy by Union as a special measure to enable the Indian Medical students who were studying in Ukraine to continue their medical education.

Students in the writ have also sought provision of infrastructural support and requisite academic support for Medical Education to the Medical Students evacuated from Ukraine due to the ongoing war situation, between Russia and Ukraine from the Union.

It has been stated in the writ that all these students were sent to ongoing conflict nations by their parents, mortgaging their properties in banks hoping for the bright future of their children, but in the present scenario parents in addition to the roadblock career of their children have to pay interest to the loan amounts for no reason.

"An abrupt disruption to their academic schedule has put their careers in a pile of ambiguity and is in question. The future of the rescued students is in quandary and is completely shattered.  Although the lives of such students were secured, the wrecked hopes of the students regarding their future/career continue to aggregate thereby causing distress and fraught in the fragile young minds," the plea filed through M/S Ramesh Allanki and Associates states.

The petitioners have further stated that under the present rules, there is no recourse for students, pursuing education abroad, if they wish to discontinue their education at foreign land and return to India.

"The students are left with no other alternative except to recommence their education from level 1 of the respective degree," plea filed by Advocate Aruna Gupta further states.

It may be noted that in relation to petitions filed seeking evacuation of Indians stranded in Ukraine amid the Russian invasion, the Attorney General for India KK Venugopal on Monday submitted that 22,500 Indian students have been evacuated from Ukraine by the Government of India along with nationals from 20 other countries. With regard to the issue of continuation of education of students who have been brought back owing to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Attorney General submitted that the Government of India is looking into the issue and will take a decision.

Case Title: Mandapakala Jyothsna Bhargavi & Ors v Union of India & Ors.| Diary Number 9492/2022


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