Supreme Court Notifies List Of Cases To Be Posted On All 5 Days During Summer Vacation 2024

Update: 2024-04-04 11:59 GMT
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The Supreme Court (on April 04) notified the matters to be listed during the upcoming Summer Vacation 2024. According to the notice, the matter under the three subject categories can be filed and listed before the vacation bench. These categories are Labour Matters, Service Matters, and Habeas Corpus Matters. Apart from this, the Court, in its notice, has also attached more than...

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The Supreme Court (on April 04) notified the matters to be listed during the upcoming Summer Vacation 2024. According to the notice, the matter under the three subject categories can be filed and listed before the vacation bench. These categories are Labour Matters, Service Matters, and Habeas Corpus Matters. Apart from this, the Court, in its notice, has also attached more than a thousand matters, under the same categories, that are ready to be listed. These matters will be listed throughout the week from Monday to Friday during the summer break. 

Members of the Bar, Parties-in-Person and Stakeholders to note that Bail matters, Transfer Petitions and miscellaneous matters pertaining to Subject Categories 0101-0114 (Labour Matters), 0601-0622 (Service Matters) and 1300 (Habeas Corpus matters) which may be filed during summer vacation and old matters as contained in List Nos. 1 to 5 attached herewith pertaining to aforesaid categories, which are ready for listing shall be listed during Summer Vacation – 2024 on all five days of the week i.e., from Monday to Friday.,” the notice read.

The notice also underlined that this announcement serves as sufficient notice, and no further reminders will be issued regarding the listing of these matters. However, members of the Bar who do not want to get their matter listed due to “unavoidable circumstances” can decline the same to 'The Registrar, Supreme Court of India' and deliver it to DEU Section Room No. FW 50, First Floor, Main Campus, no later than 1:00 P.M. on 04.05.2024 (Saturday).

This notice may be construed as sufficient notice and no further notice in this regard shall be given. If any Member of the Bar/Party-in-Person does not want to get their matter(s) listed during Summer Vacation due to unavoidable circumstances, he/she may decline the same in writing addressed to 'The Registrar, Supreme Court of India' and submit the same in DEU Section Room No. FW 50, First Floor, Main Campus latest by 04.05.2024 (Saturday) upto 1:00 P.M.”

As per the Supreme Court calender, the summer recess starts on May 18 and will end on July 8.

Click here to read the notice


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