Sedition- Supreme Court Hearing On Constitutional Validity Of Section 124A IPC- Live Updates

Update: 2022-05-10 08:23 GMT
Live Updates - Page 3
2022-05-10 09:09 GMT

Sibal : In the meantime people are getting arrested.

Justice Kant : We are not disposing of the matter.

2022-05-10 09:09 GMT

Sibal : In the meantime people are getting arrested.

Justice Kant : We are not disposing of the matter.

2022-05-10 09:08 GMT

CJI : What we feel is..the State has said they want to do appears we should not be unreasonable..Let us see how much time we’ll give. We’ll decide.

2022-05-10 09:08 GMT

CJI : How long you will take for the reconsideration?

SG: I am not able to give an accurate reply. the process has started. Your lordships must have seen the tenor and spirit of affidavit. There is application of mind.

2022-05-10 09:06 GMT

SG : As far as written submissions on the point of reference, they are the written submissions of the Solicitor General. The Centre's stand is in the affidavit.

2022-05-10 09:05 GMT

SG : So far as the notice is concerned, this is a provision which has been in existence for over 100 years..when notice was issued, cognizance was taken.

2022-05-10 09:01 GMT

CJI : Mr.Mehta, we issued notice months ago. Last day also you said there is no need to reconsider...of course now you have filed a new affidavit. How long will you take?

2022-05-10 09:01 GMT

Sibal : The exercise of this Court cannot be stopped merely because the legislature will take time to reconsider for 6 months or 1 year. I take strong objection to Centre's affidavit. It is for judiciary to examine the constitutioality of law.

2022-05-10 08:59 GMT

CJI : We have read say you will reconsider the provision.

SG : Reconsideration at the level of executive because sovereignty and integrity of nation is involved..nobody can say penal offence should not be there..the hearing may be deferred.


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