Same Sex Marriage- Supreme Court Hearing Live

Update: 2023-04-18 05:26 GMT
Live Updates - Page 3
2023-04-18 09:32 GMT

Rohatgi: I can't be criminalized but the stigmatisation continues.

2023-04-18 09:32 GMT

Rohatgi: Choice of an individual is not an "elitist concept". It is innate. People are born with it. So was Nero born, thousands of years ago.

Justice Bhat: Let's not model ourselves on Nero.

Rohatgi laughs.

2023-04-18 09:27 GMT

Rohatgi: I cannot be told that I should wait for parliament to grant me these rights when I'm dead and gone.

2023-04-18 09:26 GMT

Rohatgi: Last 70 years this court has been the guarantor of fundamental rights. It's noone's right to say that even if one man comes against this, you better wait for parliament. This court has never accepted this. 32 is itself a fundamental right.

2023-04-18 09:26 GMT

Rohatgi: The other side is talking as if this is 1920s or 30s and they're saying you're not equal, be happy with the 377 judgements, be happy with the rights you already have.

2023-04-18 09:26 GMT

Rohatgi: I cannot be discriminated upon because we may be ten thousand and the others are ten crores. This is the core of my submission.

Rohatgi refers to judgements again.

2023-04-18 09:25 GMT

Rohatgi: My rights are equal to those of the others. They have a right to marriage, the right of respectability. A concomitant of rights flow from that respectability. The same should be granted to me.

2023-04-18 09:25 GMT

Rohatgi: This is the core of my arguments. Because we're miniscule, because we have faced this over the years, because we have been sidetracked, because we're looked at with disdain, because we're looked as QUEERS, you're not good.

2023-04-18 09:19 GMT

Rohatgi (reads from a judgement): "The test of popular acceptance does not furnish a valid basis to disregard rights which are conferred with the sanctity of constitutional protection"

2023-04-18 09:19 GMT

Rohatgi: We are facing this disdain, this stigma.


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