Same Sex Marriage- Supreme Court Hearing Live

Update: 2023-04-18 05:26 GMT
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2023-04-18 06:18 GMT

Rohatgi: Society is resistant to change. Humans are resistant to change. So society follows what the law is and what the law is what is said in the parliament or this court.

2023-04-18 06:18 GMT

Rohatgi: For them, your lordships have removed one block - that they can't go to jail. Second step has to be affirmative which is the recognition of the right to marriage.

2023-04-18 06:18 GMT

Rohatgi: You can't follow a version which is 50 years old. I request, for example two petitioner in first petition- who are they? Two individuals who have a bond of faith, love- they want to reach the status of a married couple and have a family.

2023-04-18 06:17 GMT

Rohatgi: Read the definition of same sex in 1019- "ceremonial unit of two people of the same sex whether man or woman". So government of India is following an antiquated edition of Black's dictionary. If you're following the same dictionary, follow the latest one.

2023-04-18 06:17 GMT

Rohatgi: See the definition after 2019, after the society has evolved- "the legal union of a couple".

2023-04-18 06:17 GMT

Rohatgi: The definition of marriage in Obergefell v Hodges is classic. It was used in 2015 also.

2023-04-18 06:13 GMT

Rohatgi takes the court through the history of same sex marriages across the globe.

2023-04-18 06:11 GMT

Rohatgi: If 14,19,21 are inalienable parts of the basic structure - they cannot be tinkered or removed by anyone- how can we infringe?

2023-04-18 06:08 GMT

Rohatgi: I have a sense of deja vu. Years ago, i opened the case in decriminalizing 377...if we have the same rights as heterosexual groups, we have the same right to marry too.

2023-04-18 06:08 GMT

Rohatgi: NALSA said give them reservations years ago- nothing is done. Natvej Singh Johar said give this full publicity and today I read in Indian Express - nothing is done. Three ministries today say we haven't done it, you're not supposed to do it.


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