Same Sex Marriage- Supreme Court Hearing- LIVE UPDATES

Update: 2023-04-25 04:41 GMT
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Live Updates - Page 13
2023-04-25 06:07 GMT

Luthra: There can be solemnisation under the act and registration under the act.

2023-04-25 06:06 GMT

Sr Adv Geeta Luthra points out that Foreign Marriage Act applies even when one of the two persons in a couple is an Indian national.

2023-04-25 05:54 GMT

Luthra: What they had sought to do is get their marriage registered under Foreign Marriage Act. Please see the 23rd Law commission report.

2023-04-25 05:54 GMT

Luthra: Their rights are not recognised here. During COVID, visas were granted to spouses of Indian citizens. But not being recognised, petitioner 2 didn't get a visa. So while they're a married couple in US, they could not come to India during COVID.

2023-04-25 05:54 GMT

Luthra: It is grossly unjust that they're free and equal in other countries but in country of birth of the first petitioner, they're invisible here.

2023-04-25 05:53 GMT

Sr Adv Geeta Luthra: What is distinct about the petitioner 1 and 2 is that they're the only persons who are legally married in another country, that is, the USA. They have a four month daughter. They had a commitment since 2012, got married in 2017.

2023-04-25 05:50 GMT

The counsels begin submissions for the day.

2023-04-25 05:50 GMT

CJI DY Chandrachud: This can be shortened. Written submissions can just have the core of the submissions.

2023-04-25 05:45 GMT

Sr Adv Menaka Guruswamy: I apologise. I didn't know the whole judgement had been included...there is no repetition in proceedings.

2023-04-25 05:45 GMT

CJI DY Chandrachud: Who included the entire volume? Ms Guruswamy you included the whole thing?

Justice Bhat: Ms Guruswamy, let's not make assumptions on ignorance...Your substituted written submissions run for 150 pages. One has to go over the same thing again and again.


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