[Nirbhaya] SC Hearing On Convict Vinay's Plea Against Rejection of Mercy Petition-[Live-Updates]

Update: 2020-02-13 06:08 GMT
Live Updates - Page 4
2020-02-13 06:15 GMT

A P Singh : “Vinay was residing in a cluster of jhuggis (8 by 8 feet) at Ravidas Camp. The economic condition of the families of the prisoners were not a part of the note presented.”

Singh cites the case of SP Gupta v. Union of India.

He states that the aspect of “Advice tendered by the Council of Ministers to the President” could not be exercised because elections were going on at that time.

2020-02-13 06:13 GMT

Singh says that the ‘economical aspects of the condition of the prisoner have not been placed properly before the authorities.’

A P Singh : “Vinay was residing in a cluster of jhuggis (8 by 8 feet) at Ravidas Camp. The economic condition of the families of the prisoners were not a part of the note presented.”

2020-02-13 06:12 GMT

Justice Bhanumathi asks Singh to make his submissions clearly. Singh responds that he is in the temple of justice and will do that.

 Justice Bhushan, “We are not hearing a first appeal; you’re arguing like this is a first appeal. This court cannot hear the mercy petition. That is someone else’s job.”

2020-02-13 06:12 GMT

The bench declines A P Singh's request for perusing the documents submitted by the Solicitor General.

2020-02-13 06:11 GMT

Banumathi, J. states that the documents are not for the perusal of Singh. “It’s not for your benefit, it’s for the satisfaction of the court.” 

2020-02-13 06:10 GMT

Solicitor General provides the documents to the Bench to show that the signatures are present.

A P Singh objects to the same stating that the documents have come via WhatsApp.

2020-02-13 06:10 GMT

AP Singh, Vinay Sharma's lawyer submits

“I want to stop the miscarriage of justice. There’s an absence of signature of the Home Minister and LG on official file, which is why I want to inspect the file. I have filed RTI for that”


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