Narada Case Hearing Live Updates : Calcutta HC Grants Interim Bail To Trinamool Leaders

Update: 2021-05-28 06:42 GMT
Live Updates - Page 2
2021-05-28 06:52 GMT

Solicitor General : I have reservations on interim-bail. If interim bail is to be granted, I have two prayers - Interim bail must be subject to final order of the case. That is, if I succeed, the interim bail must be cancelled.

2021-05-28 06:49 GMT

Justice Mukerji asks the Solicitor General why the TMC leaders, who have not been arrested during the investigation for over 4 years, should be kept in house-arrest now, when they are required to do public functions during pandemic.

2021-05-28 06:47 GMT

Justice Mukerji : Mr.Solicitor General, we want to make one observation. The investigation started in 2017. They were not arrested during investigation. Normally, arrest is to facilitate investigation. They continue to be as powerful as earlier. Why arrest now?

2021-05-28 06:47 GMT

Solicitor General in lighter vein : In Gujarati, there is a saying. You don't use swords to cut nail. Here we have 5 swords (case is being heard by 5-judges).

2021-05-28 06:45 GMT

Solicitor General opposes grant of interim bail. He says they are influential people, and there are chances of they raising public emotions again.

"I respectfully urge not to grant them interim-bail", Solicitor General says.

2021-05-28 06:45 GMT

Solicitor General opposes grant of interim bail. He says they are influential people, and there are chances of they raising public emotions again.

"I respectfully urge not to grant them interim-bail", Solicitor General says.

2021-05-28 06:45 GMT

BREAKING : Calcutta High Court 5-judge bench proposes to grant interim bail to four TMC leaders arrested in Narada Case. Seeks response from CBI. Arguments underway.

2021-05-28 06:44 GMT

Acting Chief Justice : We propose to grant them interim bail with some conditions.

 Acting Chief Justice : We propose to grant them interim bail with some conditions, subject to final order. We had a discussion. Now lockdown has also been extended in State by two weeks. What to do you (Solicitor General) say to this?

2021-05-28 06:43 GMT

Acting Chief Justice : There is one thing we want to put to Mr.Mehta(Solicitor General). There was interim bail granted by trial court, which was stayed. This can't be disputed that some of the arguments in the recall applications and main petition(CBI) will be overlapping.

2021-05-28 06:43 GMT

Hearing commences.

Acting Chief Justice Bindal : We have received a request from Mr.Singhvi that he is engaged in SC.

Kalyan Bandopadhyaya suggests Sidharth Luthra starts.


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