[Loan Moratorium And Waiver of Interest] Live Updates From Supreme Court

Update: 2020-11-19 07:17 GMT
Live Updates - Page 4
2020-11-19 07:48 GMT

Almost every sector which can conceivably be impacted by Covid19 related stress, identified, SG says

2020-11-19 07:47 GMT

Technically qualified people gone into aspects of sector specific stress and uniformly proposed ratio's for DSCR & ADSCR, says SG

2020-11-19 07:42 GMT

Sector specific threshold parameters identified by Committee, outliners found by Committee formed later and resolution plan prepared basis financial performance pre-covid19, SG tells Supreme Court 

2020-11-19 07:39 GMT

When there is an expert committee which has gone into aspects of Covid19 related stress, keeping in mind difficulties faced by account holders including those faced by the bank, My Lords may not want to intervene, says SG

2020-11-19 07:37 GMT

Say if the stress is related to 2019, there is no relief, because Covid was nowhere there at the time, Different schemes apply therein, says SG

2020-11-19 07:36 GMT

26 sectors which are impacted. If there is stress on borrowers who are non-defaulters, then they are eligible under the framework. This is only covid specific restructuring, SG says

2020-11-19 07:34 GMT

So between INR 2-1500 crore loans, this will not be applicable? asks Justice Shah

Their accounts are required to be restructured by lending institutions. There are illustrative stipulations in terms of the RBI Circular, SG for the Union tells the Supreme Court

2020-11-19 07:32 GMT

Scope of Kamath Committee was restricted to/ was for big borrowers only? asks Justice Shah

Kamath committee is for big borrowers. It is for lending exposure of any bank of more than INR 1500 Crore, SG says

2020-11-19 07:29 GMT

In terms of this, Banks are approaching loan holders through mails and sms etc., SG says

"They are under directions to do so," he adds.

2020-11-19 07:26 GMT

Banks fully empowered to resolve Covid19 related stress to individual borrowers which have various concessions such as interest haircuts, loan restructuring, rescheduling payments etc, says SG


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