[LIVE-UPDATES] [MJ Akbar Vs Priya Ramani Defamation Case] Final Arguments By Senior Advocate Rebecca John

Update: 2020-09-19 08:34 GMT
Live Updates - Page 6
2020-09-19 08:43 GMT

John: complainant's arguments that Ramani's tweets are per se defamatory is legally unsustainable, considering the evidence given by the defence. 

2020-09-19 08:42 GMT

John reiterates that imputation is not defamatory when it is a truth, made in good faith and to serve a public interest. 

2020-09-19 08:41 GMT

John highlights that the complainant has to prove his case beyond reasonable doubt

'Defence only has to satisfy the preponderance of probabilities', she argues.

2020-09-19 08:40 GMT

John: By calling Ramani's tweets 'per se' defamatory, they've not taken into the account the defence of truth taken by Ramani

'This argument is misplaced and not sustainable', John argues

2020-09-19 08:40 GMT

John: I will be replying to the arguments made by the complainant, challenge the objections raised by them, and then make my final statement

2020-09-19 08:39 GMT

Senior Adv Rebecca John commences her arguments

2020-09-19 08:35 GMT

In the last hearing, John had argued that Ramani's Vogue article is her truth, which she made in good faith and in the public interest - to inspire other women to come forward and share their stories. 

2020-09-19 08:35 GMT

MJ Akbar v. Priya Ramani: Senior Adv Rebecca John will shortly commence the last leg of her final arguments on behalf of Ramani


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