LIVE UPDATES From SC [Can Persons Holding Public Office Comment On Crimes ?]

Update: 2019-11-14 04:42 GMT
Live Updates - Page 4
2019-11-14 06:54 GMT

We look at the pith and substance for 19(1)(a) and 21. Law is required.

J. Mishra - Due process of law doesn’t mean that there has to be a law.

AG - Take 21 alone. Kharak Singh says that you can’t curtail freedom of movement. There has to be a statutory law.

J. Mishra - It’s not dependant on statutory law alone. It’s an independent right. Due process of law is an additional facet. A reasonable process. It doesn’t mean that there has to be an enacted law.

2019-11-14 06:51 GMT

AG - Take Art. 21. Procedure established by law has not been interpreted in the US line. But, it’s something which is just and reasonable.

2019-11-14 06:49 GMT

Public interest as a concept has only been brought in by 19(5).

2019-11-14 06:45 GMT

J. Bhat - Public interest is only in 19(6) and 19(5). The rest is public order.

2019-11-14 06:45 GMT

J. Bhat - Public interest is only in 19(6) and 19(5). The rest is public order.

2019-11-14 06:43 GMT

AG - Fundamental Rights can only be restricted by reasonable restrictions. Public order is not the same as public safety.

Only grounds under Art 19(2) can be placed on Art 19(1)(a).

2019-11-14 06:43 GMT

J. Bhat - All these judgements have reiterated the same thing.

2019-11-14 06:40 GMT

Now reading Rangarajan v. Jagjivan Ram.

2019-11-14 06:39 GMT

AG - It is not a part of the functions of the Minister to make derogatory statements. All investigations are a part of the supervision of the criminal court.

(Now talking about Kharak Singh case of 1964)

2019-11-14 06:38 GMT

AG - Whether he is functioning in the realm of public law or private. If he speaks on policy issues, there is a collective responsibility and then the State is involved. He would be covered by the civil law or the criminal. If such a statement is made, the remedy will not be against the State, but against the Minister himself.


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