Let's Pray To God That All Will Get Vaccinated So That Physical Hearings Can Commence, Says Justice Chandrachud

Update: 2021-06-01 09:08 GMT

The Supreme Court on Tuesday was privy to an informal discussion between the bar and the bench as regards COVID caution, masks and vaccination.The bench of Justices D. Y. Chandrachud and M. R. Shah was due to consider the CBI-West Bengal coal mining matter.Senior advocate Siddhartha Dave, who was appearing for an accused in the matter, happened to hint that since he has already contracted...

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The Supreme Court on Tuesday was privy to an informal discussion between the bar and the bench as regards COVID caution, masks and vaccination.

The bench of Justices D. Y. Chandrachud and M. R. Shah was due to consider the CBI-West Bengal coal mining matter.
Senior advocate Siddhartha Dave, who was appearing for an accused in the matter, happened to hint that since he has already contracted the virus before, in view of some study which he has read, he feels relatively safer.
At this, SG Tushar Mehta said, "Siddhartha, don't be complacent. The Union Corporate Affairs Secretary tested positive twice and the second time, he went into the ICU"
"Yes, my former colleague at the Allahabad High Court also tells me that his sister has tested positive twice", remarked Justice Chandrachud.
"Mr. Mehta, how is Mr. Mohapatra (DPIIT Secretary Guruprasad Mohapatra) who has been helping us (with the medical oxygen)?", asked the judge. The SG replied that the said official is still in the same situation in the ICU after having contracted COVID.
Senior advocate A. M. Singhvi also commented, "I am triple-vaccinated! I got COVID in June last year and now I have received the 2 jabs of vaccine!"
"Vaccine reduces the chance of hospitalisation and the severity of the disease...", remarked Justice Chandrachud.
"Yes...the risk of infection is not totally done away with...Recently, I told Dr. Singhvi, 'Do you have a boon from 'Ram ji' that unless a 'Vishnu' avatar kills you by throwing an arrow at your 'nabhi' (navel), nothing will happen to you'? I said, 'Where is your mask? You have people running around you'", quipped the SG.
"My court master, who is otherwise in-charge of the entire record, I have asked them to be at their own homes. Because he also has comorbidities. It is safe for him and safe for me also...but masking is very important", said Justice Chandrachud.
Senior advocate Siddharth Luthra said that N 95 masks are the only option for everyone- "I got COVID last month because someone in my office did not wear it. The N 95 masks give 95% protection. I am wearing one in my office also"
"Dr. (Randeep) Guleria (Director, AIIMS, Delhi) told me that surgical masks are worn over the N 95 mask. He said the real protection is in the N 95 mask. Doctors wear a surgical mask over it so that whatever infection is there, it remains on the surgical mask which you can throw away and the N 95 stays protected", the SG said.
Justice Shah also concurred that it is always advisable to wear two masks. "Don't be negligent at all! That is the first thing!", added the judge.
Mr. Dave remarked that he stays in his office all by himself and that he comes and even switches the lights on by himself- "It is really boring for a lawyer to be alone in his office. Nobody come in, nobody goes out"
"Yes...I can tell you that I was also in isolation for 18 days in my office, because my spouse and I tested positive at different times, so I don't want to go back home. The only redeeming feature was that I had all my books around me", said Justice Chandrachud.
"And one cannot even exercise for a month. It is said that if you start exercising immediately after the bout of COVID it increases the risk of fibroids in your lungs", said Mr. Dave.
"Yes. No mental exercise also!", added the SG.
"Yes, but that is not possible when you have the SG or Dr. Singhvi before you", remarked Justice Chandrachud, in good humour. The judge added that it is a pleasure to hear all the counsel appearing before them.
Earlier in the day, when another senior counsel in a different item expressed the hope that when his matter was finally taken up for hearing, he was praying to God that physical hearings will have resumed.
"Let us pray to God that all will be vaccinated by then so that physical hearings can happen", Justice Chandrachud had said.


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