Senior Advocate Kapil Sibal Elected As President Of Supreme Court Bar Association

Update: 2024-05-16 16:18 GMT
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Senior Advocate Kapil Sibal has won the election to the post of the President of the Supreme Court Bar Association.Sibal secured 1066 votes, while the next contender Senior Advocate Pradeep Rai got 689 votes. The inumbent President Senior Advocate Dr Adish C Aggarwala secured 296 votes (the figures are tentative).The other contenders were Priya Hingorani, Tripurari Ray, Neeraj...

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Senior Advocate Kapil Sibal has won the election to the post of the President of the Supreme Court Bar Association.

Sibal secured 1066 votes, while the next contender Senior Advocate Pradeep Rai got 689 votes. The inumbent President Senior Advocate Dr Adish C Aggarwala secured 296 votes (the figures are tentative).

The other contenders were Priya Hingorani, Tripurari Ray, Neeraj Srivastava.

This will be the fourth time Sibal will be serving as the President of SCBA.  Rachna Srivastava won as the Vice President and Vikrant Yadav was elected as the Secretary.

Sibal was previously elected as the SCBA President three times, the last instance twenty-three years ago in 2001. Before that, he was President during the 1995-96 and 1997-98 terms.  

Also view Mr Sibal's latest interview explaining what changes he proposes to bring to the SCBA. 

Also Read - The Importance Of Kapil Sibal's Win As SCBA President


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