Hijab Ban- Karnataka High Court Full Bench Hearing (Day 7)- LIVE UPDATES

Update: 2022-02-21 08:37 GMT
Live Updates - Page 6
2022-02-21 10:02 GMT

AG quotes from the above judgment : "If the taking away of that part or practice could result in a fundamental change in the character of that religion or in its belief, then such part could be treated as an essential or integral part".

2022-02-21 10:01 GMT

AG quotes from the above judgment : "Test to determine whether a part or practice is essential to the religion is to find out whether the nature of religion will be changed without that part or practice"

2022-02-21 10:01 GMT

AG quotes from the above judgment : "Essential part of a religion means the core beliefs upon which a religion is founded. Essential practice means those practices that are fundamental to follow a religious belief".

2022-02-21 10:00 GMT

AG refers to the case "Commissioner Of Police & Ors vs Acharya J. Avadhuta", where the question was Ananda Margis can perform Tandava dance in public street.

AG: According to me the Ananda Margi case has completely dealt with the subject.

2022-02-21 10:00 GMT

AG : "The protection under Articles 25 & 26 of the Constitution is with respect to religious practice which forms an essential and integral part of the religion. A practice may be a religious practice but not an essential & integral part of practice . The latter not protected"

2022-02-21 09:59 GMT

AG : The plea of the petitioners in that case (Javed v State of Haryana) was that Islam allows more than one marriage. So the argument was the disqualification for more than marrying once impacts Article 25.

2022-02-21 09:58 GMT

AG refers to Javed v State of Haryana (2003) 8 SCC 399 where a Haryana law prohibiting people with more than one marriage were prohibited from contesting elections.

2022-02-21 09:54 GMT

AG quotes from Dargah committee judgment : "Unless such practices are found to constitute an essential and integral part of a religion their claim for the protection under Art. 26 may have to be carefully scrutinised"

2022-02-21 09:54 GMT

AG quotes from Dargah committee judgment:"Similarly, even practices though religious may have sprung from merely superstitious beliefs and may in that sense be extraneous and unessential accretions to religion itself.

2022-02-21 09:53 GMT

AG : "..regarded by the said religion as its essential and integral part; otherwise even purely secular practices which are not an essential or an integral part of religion are apt to be clothed with a religious form and may make a claim for being treated as religious practices"


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