Hijab Ban- Karnataka High Court Full Bench Hearing(Day 4)- LIVE UPDATES

Update: 2022-02-16 08:27 GMT
Live Updates - Page 5
2022-02-16 10:28 GMT

Kumar : Here it is full of prejudice because of the religion. No notice, straight away sent out of the classroom, by persons without authority under the Act or rules.

2022-02-16 10:28 GMT

Kumar : We are not permitted, we are not heard but punished straight away. Can it be more draconian? Can they be called teachers?

2022-02-16 10:28 GMT

Justice Dixit : Even if a person belonging to another community, a lady belonging to another community, suffers from acacia, and to minimize the ugliness, she wears the headgear and comes to the school, she will not be permitted.

Kumar : She can apply for exemption. That analogy may not be applicable here. It is a humanitarian case which will be considered

2022-02-16 10:25 GMT

Kumar : No other religious symbol is considered in the impugned Govt Order. Why only hijab? Is it not because of their religion? Discrimination against Muslim girls is purely on the basis of religion and hence a hostile discrimination.

2022-02-16 10:22 GMT

Kumar refers to AIR 1964 page 1208

2022-02-16 10:19 GMT

Kumar refers to AIR 1953 Supreme Court, 384 which declared communal electorates as void.

2022-02-16 10:18 GMT

Kumar : Why only this, why not the turban of a sikh, the cross of the Christians?

2022-02-16 10:18 GMT

Chief Justice : You are saying Article 15 prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion. But this saying wearing of the headdress of all religions is banned.

Kumar : Hijab is worn only by Muslims. Ghoongats are permitted. Bangles are permitted.

2022-02-16 10:16 GMT

Kumar : This is only because only of her religion that petitioner is being sent out of the classroom. A bindi wearing girl is not sent out ,a bangle wearing girl is not. A Christian wearing cross is not touched. Why only these girls? This is violation of Art 15.

2022-02-16 10:14 GMT

Chief Justice : Alright. We have taken note of this.


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