Hijab Ban : No Religious Dress In Colleges During Pendency Of Case, Says Karnataka High Court| LIVE UPDATES [Day 3]

Update: 2022-02-10 08:45 GMT
Live Updates - Page 5
2022-02-10 10:16 GMT

Chief Justice : We have understood your submission that Karnataka Education Act does not prescribe uniform and no penalty.

2022-02-10 10:15 GMT

Hegde refers to his written submissions for interim relief.

2022-02-10 10:14 GMT

Hegde : I yielded to the Advocate General who has a right of audience. Otherwise, the rule is that the Court hears one petition after another.

2022-02-10 10:13 GMT

Kamat: There does not seem to be much of a consensus on interim arrangement, so permit us to argue on prima facie case. Just gives me 15 minutes.

Hegde : I have not completed.

2022-02-10 10:12 GMT

Adv Kaleeswaram Raj makes submissions for an intervenor.

AG objects to the intervention saying intervenor has no locus.

2022-02-10 10:11 GMT

Kamat requests for hearing on the question of interim relief. He says he would need 15 minutes and he can show how the GO is unsustainable.

2022-02-10 10:11 GMT

Hegde : Why do we stake our country on one particular version that this and only this is the path. We are a civilization of multiple paths.

2022-02-10 10:08 GMT

Hegde refers to the last para from Bijeo Emmanuel judgment : "Our tradition teaches tolerance, our philosophy teaches tolerance, our Constitution practices tolerance. Let us not dilute that."

2022-02-10 10:08 GMT

Hegde : We are a country like no other. We are a mix.

2022-02-10 10:07 GMT

Hegde : We had Dr Amebdekar, when he went to school was made to sit apart. After so many years of the Republic, I do not want any kind of separation.

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